0131 550 1561 office@veteransscotland.org.uk

Health and Wellbeing

Many of us leave the Services with long-term injuries; mostly physical, but sometimes psychological.  And the system in civilian life is much more complicated than turning up to sick parade and then doing as you are told.  But while it often takes much longer than we have been used to, it doesn’t need to because the NHS has promised to fast-track Veterans with service-related conditions.

The first thing you will need to do when you leave the Services is find a GP; you will find most GPs in Scotland in this section.  If you don't currently have a doctor, use the GP locator to find one in your area.

Apart from the NHS, there are many Veteran-focussed charities ready to help, so make use of them if you need to.  You will find their details here too, so please explore this section; it has a lot to offer.

Treatment within the NHS in Scotland for a service related condition.

Under long-standing arrangements since 1953, war pensioners were given priority NHS treatment for the conditions for which the received a war pension or gratuity, unless there was an emergency case or another case that demanded clinical priority.  Recognition of the unique obligations and sacrifices made by those who have served continues to exist.

Under the terms of the Armed Forces Covenant, veterans should face no disadvantage when accessing NHS treatment as a result of military service, compared with the civilian population.  Special consideration may be appropriate for those with conditions related to service.

Further information is available via the link Here

Scotland's Service Directory

Through Scotland's Service Directory you can find the names, addresses, opening times and service details for thousands of NHS services in Scotland.  Further information is available via the link Here

NHS Self Help Guides

The NHS have produced a range of self help guides that cover a wide range of medical needs find out more here.

Healthcare support

Veterans First Point was developed by veterans to help ex-service men and women and their families adjust to civilian life. This includes help with:

  • physical and mental health and wellbeing
  • family and relationships
  • housing
  • socialising
  • education
  • employment

They have drop-in centres across Scotland. Find your nearest centre.

Phone: 0131 221 7090

Find out about call charges

Email: V1P.Scotland@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Combat Stress gives free specialist treatment to ex-service men and women for mental health and stress problems.

Phone: 0800 138 1619

Email: helpline@combatstress.org.uk

Prosthetics services

The National Prosthetics Service (NPS) is Scotland's centre for designing and fitting prosthetic (artificial) limbs. If you've lost a limb due to your service in the armed forces and were not fitted with a prosthetic at that time, you can discuss a referral to the NPS with your local GP.

NHS24 Daylight programme

Daylight is a digital programme to improve #anxiety based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (#CBT) and is free for NHS patients based in Scotland. Available on both iOS and Android devices, you can find out more by visiting: trydaylight.com/nhsinform

Airthrey Park Medical Centre

Tel: 0178 6463831 Email: John.ross@nhs.net

Hermitage Road , University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4NJ

Airyhall Clinic

Tel: 0122 4310582

Springfield Road , Aberdeen Ab15 7RF

Aitken, I.C.

Tel: 0141 5543199

245 Tollcross Road , Glasgow G31 4UW

AL Anon

Tel: 020 7403 0888 Email: enquiries@al-anonuk.org.uk

Family support for those suffering due to someone else’s alcohol misuse.

Al-Anon Family Groups provide support to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking, regardless of whether that person is still drinking or not. For some of our members, the wounds still run deep, even if their loved one may no longer be a part of their lives or have died. We believe alcoholism affects the whole family, not just the drinker. We are an international organisation with over 800 support groups in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Al-Anon is a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience in order to solve their common problems.


Al Zubairi, A.M.

Tel: 0141 5543546

86 Springfield Road , Glasgow G40 3ET


– Al-Anon Information Centre
Tel: 0141 339 8884 Email: enquiries@al-anonuk.org.uk

Mansfield Park Building Unit 6 , 22 Mansfield Street, Partick, Glasgow G11 5QP

Rehabilitation charity aiming to help reintegrate veterans to the community, teach them new skills, and give them a real interest, supported by the therapeutic benefits of working with horses.


Albyn Medical Practice

Val Hepple – Practice Manager
Tel: 0122 4586829

30 Albyn Place , Aberdeen AB10 1NW


Alcohol Focus Scotland

Tel: 0141 572 6700 Fax: 0141 333 1606 Email: enquiries@alcohol-focus-scotland.org.uk

2nd Floor , 166 Buchanan Street, Glasgow G1 2LW

We provide information and signposting service for anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s drinking and our main focus is policy, development and training work.
